19 Things That Will Attract Unwanted Attention from Cops to Your Car

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By Calum Vaughan

It’s always smart to watch your driving habits to ensure you don’t attract the attention of the cops. Not only could this get you into legal trouble, but it could also expose you to crimes that you weren’t aware you were committing. To prevent this, here are 19 things that will negatively attract the attention of cops to your vehicle.

Expired Registration or Tags

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If you drive a vehicle with expired registration or tags, that’s a surefire way to get pulled over. Police routinely check for valid registration, and if they notice your tags are outdated, it indicates neglect in other areas. As I Drive Safely explains, failing to display valid tags could even lead to fines and penalties, so it’s really not worth the risk.

Broken or Malfunctioning Lights

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Another quick way to attract the attention of the police is if you have damaged headlights, taillights, brake lights, or turn signals. These should all be in working order to drive legally, and if they’re not, that’s compromising the safety of yourself and those driving around you. Naturally, this could get you pulled over, so keep your car lights in check.

Obscured or Missing License Plates

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Even if your license plates are valid, they must still be completely visible and properly attached to your vehicle. Plates obscured by dirt, frames, or ‘ghost plates’ will attract police attention, as it makes you look like you have something to hide. It’s actually common for criminals to glue dirt or leaves to their plates, preventing them from being recognized, so watch out.

Excessive Window Tint

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Nothing will attract negative attention to your car, such as excessively tinted windows. Generally, this isn’t illegal, but it will look suspicious and hinder police visibility into your vehicle. Each state has specific regulations on allowable tint levels, so ensure your window tint complies with your local laws to avoid unnecessary attention.

Loud Exhaust

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You’ll attract even more negative attention to your car if you have an obnoxiously loud exhaust system, so just don’t. It can violate noise ordinances, scare pedestrians, and, most importantly, draw police attention. It doesn’t make you look cool or make your car drive any better, so don’t be a jerk–use a regular exhaust and avoid attention from the police.


Photo Credit: RossHelen/Shutterstock

One of the most dangerous behaviors on the road is speeding, one which police have been trying to curb for decades. It endangers everyone on the road, including the driver, and draws immediate police attention. Try to take a slower pace in life, adhere to posted speed limits, and keep your neighborhood safe. You’ll avoid the police and ensure safety and low insurance premiums this way.

Reckless Driving

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Any driver who weaves in and out of traffic, tailgating or changing lanes aggressively, is simply asking for the police’s attention. These actions are obviously careless and dangerous, leading to serious accidents every day. Police are vigilant about stopping careless drivers in their tracks, so you will get pulled over if you’re driving recklessly.

Texting While Driving

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It’s important for the road to have your full attention when you’re driving, so texting is an absolute no-no. If you text or use your cell phone in any way while driving, the police have the right to pull you over, as it’s illegal in most areas and highly dangerous. You’re driving a heavy vehicle down the highway at high speed, so seriously–you’re just being reckless.

Erratic Movements

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Much like reckless driving, you’ll attract the attention of the cops immediately if you make erratic movements in your vehicle, such as brake test, swerving, or inconsistent speeds. Not only is this dangerous, but it may indicate that you are impaired, so the police will be keen to pull you over in order to investigate further.

Driving Without Headlights at Night

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

If you don’t turn on your headlights at night or in low-visibility conditions, you’re just asking for trouble, as this is dangerous and illegal. Proper lighting is crucial for driver visibility and road safety, and without it, you’ll surely crash. So, police will, understandably, stop any vehicles driving without headlights to prevent accidents and ensure that all drivers comply with traffic safety laws.

Illegal Parking

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Believe it or not, illegal parking won’t just land you with a fine, but the police could get involved, too. This is especially true if you block public infrastructure, such as handicapped spots, permit-only spaces, or fire hydrants. If police catch you doing this, they’ll likely give you a fine on the spot, but if you’re not there when they find your car, expect your car to be towed.

Visible Vehicle Damage

Photo Credit: antoniodiaz/Shutterstock

It’s never a wise idea to drive your car with significant damage, such as broken windows, missing bumpers, or dented bodywork. This can indicate neglect or a recent accident, which will no doubt attract the attention of the police for potential safety concerns. So, keep your car regularly maintained, helping you to avoid scrutiny and ensuring your car remains roadworthy.

Loud Music

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While it might be fun, blasting loud music from your car can be considered a noise disturbance and a distraction. Police monitor noise levels to maintain public peace and ensure driver safety, so if they catch you out, you could risk getting a traffic stop or even getting a ticket. So, keep your music at a reasonable volume, and save the banging tunes for when you get home.

Suspicious Behavior

Photo Credit: Lisa F. Young/Shutterstock

It should go without saying that engaging in suspicious behavior, such as frequent stops in unusual locations or appearing to avoid police, can draw attention. Police are trained to notice and investigate such behaviors to prevent criminal activity, so always drive in a manner that does not arouse suspicion or concern.

Illegal Modifications

Photo Credit: Johnnie Rik/Shutterstock

There’s no denying that vehicle modifications, such as under glow lights, excessively large wheels, and illegal lift kits, can look pretty cool, but they’re almost always against the law. Police may be alerted to these modifications due to safety and regulatory reasons, so ensure any changes to your vehicle comply with local regulations. Otherwise, you could have them confiscated.

Unsecured Loads

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If you’re driving with a load, make sure they are secured properly, because otherwise, loose items could present risks of danger and flag the attention of cops. It’s difficult to hide this, too, as they’ll see it with their own eyes, so make sure you strap everything up unless you want to deal with pesky delays.

Ignoring Traffic Signs

Photo Credit: ako photography/Shutterstock

Assuming that you’ve got a driving license, there really is no excuse for ignoring traffic signs. They’re simple to understand, and they’re put in place for very important safety reasons, so follow them. If you don’t, you can guarantee that a police officer will soon be pulling you over, and you’ll be learning an expensive lesson.

Driving Under the Influence

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There is never any excuse for driving under the influence, so don’t be an idiot. Alcohol ruins your reaction times and your inhibitions, therefore greatly increasing the likelihood of a card accident. This will endanger not only yourself but anyone else in the car and other people on the road, so don’t be selfish–just call a cab and avoid serious trouble with the police.

Vehicle Matches Description of a Crime

Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock

In the unlikely event that your vehicle matches the description of one involved in a crime, the police may stop you for further investigation. If this happens, and you, assumedly, haven’t committed a crime, don’t panic. It’s probably just a coincidence, so keep calm, be honest to the police officer, and you’ll soon be on your way.

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